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21 February, 2009 / theexpositor

Obama Signs Presidential Determination Allowing Palestinians Loyal to Hamas to Resettle In US

President Barack Obama has signed an executive order presidential determination allowing hundreds of thousands of Palestinians to resettle in the United States. Sure, what can go wrong when we allow hundreds of thousands of people who have been, as Mark Steyn memorably described, “marinated” in a “sick death cult,” who voted for Hamas, and 55% of whom support suicide bombings live here and at the American taxpayers’ expense:

By executive order, President Barack Obama has ordered the expenditure of $20.3 million in migration assistance to the Palestinian refugees and conflict victims in Gaza.

The “presidential determination” which allows hundreds of thousands of Palestinians with ties to Hamas to resettle in the United States was signed on January 27 and appeared in the Federal Register on February 4.

President Obama’s decision, according to the Register, was necessitated by “the urgent refugee and migration needs” of the “victims.”

Few on Capitol Hill took note that the order provides a free ticket replete with housing and food allowances to individuals who have displayed their overwhelming support of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in the parliamentary election of January 2006.

Click here for complete article:

HT: Worldview

One Comment

  1. TheGroundworks / Apr 18 2009 21 37

    RE: “what can go wrong when we allow hundreds of thousands of people who have been, as Mark Steyn memorably described, “marinated” in a “sick death cult,” who voted for Hamas, and 55% of whom support suicide bombings live here and at the American taxpayers’ expense”
    It should be noted that Israel created Hamas as a counter-balance of the PLO. One cannot fight evil with evil….
    While I certainly would like to know more about Obama’s motives with regard to relocating the Palestinians…it does invoke a few questions and observations…

    What can go wrong when christians blindly follow their president, refuse to question political authority or America (for fear or being labelled a liberal or anti-american) and allow their country to invade foreign lands on pretext of lies and deception (Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam and a host of other countries)?

    I think that TOO many christians follow the death cult of america and glory in militarism and power. The US spends 1/2 a trillion on defence…but few believers seem to think that there is something wrong with this or even the state sanctioned terrorism it invokes in other countries (or supplying middle east countries like Saudi Arabia with billions of weapons). We need to wake up and hold the west accountable instead of pointing the finger at everyone else…. we are just as culpable and guilty…maybe MORE because at least we profess to have the light of Jesus.

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