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31 December, 2006 / theexpositor

A Clarion Call to Reformation

I have been greatly blessed by and taught by the ministry of Steve Camp. In this article, Steve Camp repeats his cry to the church to reform especially to the clergy.

Reclaiming a Reverence for God in Ministry – a clarion call for reformation

Good afternoon/evening internet theologues, blogging Biblicists, conservative orthodox historical doctrinists, and all who love truth, justice and the biblical way.

Many of you have read the 107 THESES that I wrote nine years ago. I have made one slight update on the subtitle above: this is no longer a call to reformation for Christian music, but for Christian ministry. It is no secret, the current state of evangelicalism moving away from biblical truth is eroding dramatically almost monthly with no corrective in sight. There needs to be a clarion call for action in evangelicalism today that I am now reoffering The 107 THESES as one such call.

A Time for Courage
No one today, and I mean no one of any evangelical note of leadership, is willing to risk their current book deals, contracts, public standing in the marketplace, or radio positioning to confront the theological/biblical corrosion of modern day evangelicalism head on.

Let me explain: it is one thing to voice disgust and disagreement over theological error today by teaching against Open Theism, the New Perspective of Paul, Pragmatism, Sabellianism, Political Activism, etc., and that is a necessary and appreciated and part of sound ministry to confront unsound doctrine with the Word of God (Titus 1:9). But, it is quite another thing, and just as important, to also say to your publisher, radio networks, music company, etc. that you will no longer continue to publish your books and/or broadcast your radio programs with companies that continually further those same unsound doctrines and that have been bought out by multinational conglomerates which currently are under secular ownership (i.e., Zondervan, Thomas Nelson, Word, etc.) violating 2 Cor. 6:14-7:1 by being unequally yoked in a spiritual ministry or enterprise with nonbelievers. That takes courage of monumental proportions and no one has taken it today in the pastoral, radio teaching, publishing arena.

Here is a key question: Why would proven men of God who write, preach and teach sound doctrine and correct theology through books, radio, podcasts, MP3 downloads, etc. not want to leave the very entity that continues to fuel the marketplace and church with material that is against the very faith and Lord they love so much?

Possibly two key reasons: one, it means the loss of a significant platform that grow and sustain one’s audience; and, two, the loss of financial giving and resources that comes from that expanding audience. The failure to leave “the system” and to continue to “do ministry” in that same system is like trying to mop up the floor while keeping the faucet running. You cannot pick up a tub while standing in it. You must first step outside of it in order to change it.

Until evangelical leaders are willing to bring the practical out-workings and alliances of their ministries inline with their biblical teachings, then the current system will continue to dominate the marketplace and the church with skewed, errant and heretical material. Strong words against error are not enough; action is now required.

One Comment

  1. My Kids Today / Aug 16 2007 21 14

    Thanks for sharing this information. Really is pack with new knowledge. Keep them coming.

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